Hi, I'm Kristen.

Aspiring full stack developer,motivated self-initiated learner,and functional healthcare clinician.Look around →


I'm a full stack web developer who has really come to enjoy that dopamine hit when my code looks, feels, and runs the way I want it to. My background is in occupational therapy with a focus in helping people achieve their daily functional goals through adaptations to the task, environment, or clients themselves. For me, the nexus between OT and programming is the creation of things that are intuitive, adaptable, inclusive, and accessible.

When I'm not hunched over my keyboard with 27 tabs open, I enjoy reading, kayaking the marshes around Beaufort, SC, chasing my 3 year old son, sitting on the front porch, brewing mostly-edible homemade kombucha, and listening to my husband talk about D&D.

See what I've been working on →

Recent Projects

Weekly Meal Planner

A meal planner application that stores recipe information via MongoDB, and provides a 5 day recipe-based meal plan to make weekly planning/shopping less time intensive. Allows the user to create and upload their own recipes to the app.

Next.js | React | MongoDB | Node.js

Cognitive Accessibility

An application that demonstrates a set of utilities to allow the user to personalize the way they view information. Created with the ultimate goal of improving content accessibility for those with visual, attention, or memory deficits. Features include a tool for toggling between light and dark themes, font size controls, a toggle to space content for improved readability, and a toggle to filter extraneous content for improved attention to information.

React | styled-components


A fullstack CRUD application made using boilerplate from Colt Steele's "Web Developer Bootcamp" Udemy course. Provides a platform for users to create and review picnic locations.

Node.js | Express | Mongoose | Bootstrap 5

Personal Website

Yep, the one you're looking at. I designed and built this website using Next.js, React, emotion, and the tsparticles library. I had a lot of fun building it!

Next.js | React | emotion | Netlify

Let's connect

Designed & Built by Kristen Coy